
«The knight was about to die, and the witch, standing before him, asked.

– Would you sing for me? -«


This is how the story begins, a tale that intertwines the lives of two beings who should never have met. Their path will take you through the remnants of an ancient civilization that was believed to be extinct and uncover the secret of its fall… before the entire world meets the same destiny.

Song from the Abyss is the new Action RPG set in the world of Gaïa, from the renowned roleplaying book franchise Anima Beyond Fantasy. The game allows you to control two different characters and explore a world full of mysteries. Experience a fluid combat system and a deep story with unforgettable characters.

Anima Song from the Abyss is being developed on Windows, PS4, Xbox One, Switch as well as all next-gen consoles.

Subvencionado por Red.es y FEDER.

El proyecto ha resultado beneficiario de la convocatoria de ayudas del Programa de impulso del sector de videojuegos de Red.es.

Estas ayudas están cofinanciadas con el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España (POPE) 2014-2020.